Enchanted Places

I imagine enchanted places,

Places far past the edge of certainty,

Existing in all the spaces the world isn’t.

There, all things float like rubber ducks,

Ever bound to the surface,

Never knowing the bliss of sinking.

I can picture how the plants grow,

Longing for the ground,

As stubborn roots cling to the sky above,

Never knowing the peace of being planted.

I wonder if there are people there

Who dream of a world beyond,

Fantasizing about far off places,

Never grasping the gift it is to float.

The Major & Minor Things

The major things in life…

The sun, the moon, the ocean, the creation, the perspective, the stars, the trees, the hope, the will, the bravery, the purpose, the pursuit of happiness, the dreams, the loyalty, the acts carried out without conditions, the selflessness, the insight, the foresight, the empathy, the sympathy, the compassion, the love.

The minor things in life…

The ignorant minds, the fear, the anxiety, the loneliness, the unjust, the unfair, the material things, the money, the power, the loss, the worthlessness, the shallowness, the disagreements, the unfortunate acts of nature, the unfortunate acts of others, the hurt.



I could only be witness

To so much injustice

Before my rage consumed me,

An overwhelming, unbearable,

Festering within

And finally, breaking under its force,

I cried into the night

And across the valley you heard me,

A soul in the same despair

So we cried into the nothing together

Into the darkness,

Into the wind,

Until our voices filled the sky

And one by one we grew louder,

The rising song of defiance

Person by person,

Outrage by outrage,

Sorrow by sorrow,

Until our cry turned into a wild howl

And our howling turned into a roar

Writing is like Vomiting

Writing is like vomiting,

it is

drawing out what’s been buried,

it is

revulsion at what comes up,

it is

reliving our deepest pains.

Writing is





of what’s inside.

And yet,

despite the process,

despite the discomfort,

despite the fear

of judgment,

or rejection,

despite the crippling vulnerability

of being seen as we are,

in writing

there is an unimaginable relief

in all the things

we let go.


When focused intelligence

is paired

with imaginative thinking,

we can create something novel.

Innovation transcends,

Imposing, expediting,

and ultimately, designing

the evolution of the world around us.

It is our potential for creation

that allows us

to shape, and mold our environment,

as no other life can.

Whether it be

to our enduring benefit,

or, eventually,

to our dismay.